Alternate your foods

Our bodies work on a storage system. If I have pasta for lunch my body will extract all the useful nutrients  from it use them as necessary, and then discard what it considers waste. If I then go on to have pasta for dinner also, my body will extract all the useful nutrients from it and put it in storage as fat because it has already gotten those nutrients that I needed from pasta when I had it for lunch,then it will discard what it considers waste. It will not consider it all waste. So what I essentially have done is taken dinner and sent it to be stored as fat immediately. I've done nothing but turn that meal into fat right away.Not what I want to do if I'm working on weight loss. Stuff that is put into storage is only taken out of storage when there is an absence of food. For most of us, that's never. In our society we eat at least three times a day,  snack throughout the day, and consume several high calorie beverages. Our bodies will not trigger to go into storage and use any of that "storage" fat. Skipping a meal or eating later than we normally would and feeling slightly hungry is not going to trigger those mechanisms. We must alternate the foods we eat to avoid having them turned into fat right away. There is a tendency to get into habits with food having the same snacks everyday, eating the same foods for lunch or dinner prepared differently and not realizing it...bacon and eggs for breakfast, ham sandwich for lunch, pork roast  for dinner.It's all pork to your body. Try not having the same foods within the same day. Avoid eating the same thing more than once a week if possible. Some foods are staples and will be consumed more often. Spacing the frequency they are consumed with adequately apart from each other is necessary. Adding variety to your diet will also help with weight loss. If you're considering weight loss diets this is one of the most important aspects of the diet to take into consideration alternating your foods.

Take a multivitamin

Make sure you take a multivitamin. When your body signals hunger to you, it's really asking for nutrition. If it's not getting enough nutrients from the foods you're eating it will continue to ask for more food in an effort to get the nutrients it needs.Many people wonder why they feel hungry shortly after eating a large meal, it's because what they ate had little or no nutritional value. Even foods we think have good nutritional value are often seriously lacking nutrients.

Make sure you get enough sleep

There is a lot of information out there today indicating that sleep affects weight loss. There is tendency to eat less simply because we are sleeping, which is a good thing to use as a tool that works to our advantage in and of itself. An additional hour of sleep a day can lower our caloric intake naturally without stress and drastically reduce our  overall  total caloric intake over the course of the week and month. A great help if you're on a weight loss diet. We also burn approximately 60% of our calories during sleep. If we deprive ourselves of the necessary amount of sleep time needed ,our bodies will not  be able to efficiently complete the job of burning that 60% leaving us with excess amounts of  calories that are not burned.  If a large portion of calories not burned during sleep is passed off into our awake hours, the body will not be able to process them effectively as it has the other 40% to burn to begin with. A backlog of unburned calories is created. If we consistently get less sleep than is necessary, it can pose problems with weight. Going to sleep an hour earlier, sleeping a little later in the morning, or even taking a nap during the day if you can ,will help with weight loss.

Don't skip meals

Don't skip meals. Make sure you eat at least three well balanced meals a day. There is a tendency to skip meals thinking it's a show of great will power and that it will be beneficial in reducing calories consumed. It's not. People tend to reach out more frequently for something to eat with the excuse of "Well I didn't have breakfast" or "I skipped lunch" and often wind up eating three or four times the amount of food they would have if they had just had that meal to begin with. Having a well balanced complete meal also reduces between meal eating. Avoid limiting portions. Never leave the table hungry. Portion control  is  often one of the many reasons weight loss diets can fail. Feeling hungry or unsatisfied causes discomfort. It can shift the focus of our attention  totally on that discomfort to the point where all we can think of is food and how to alleviate that discomfort. Which will lead to overeating and binging. If we feel discomfort we will stop the things we are doing that are creating that discomfort...including watching what we eat.

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